DUMP CID Table snippet 3881

Index CID SSN web_based num_members WHSLic
0 2695 477.CLP2.W10PX.24A 0 18 0
1 328088 725.CLPF.W10PR.24A 0 331 0
2 55555 588.CEP5.EHCPR.25A 1 46 0
3 aecl 615.CLP5.W10PR.22A 0 40 0
4 albanygc 543.CLP7.W10PX.21A 0 56 0
5 bantrel 102.CEP5.EHCPX.23A 1 35 0
6 bcgc 601.TTPA.W10PR.25A 0 274 225
7 bctest 601.TTPA.W10PR.25A 0 278 0
8 bearcreek 557.CLPC.W10PX.22A 0 99 0
9 beaumaris 550.CLPB.W10PX.22A 0 397 0
10 bellaforma 594.CEP5.EHCPR.24A 1 25 0
11 bgc 567.CLPT.W10PR.25A 0 120 0
12 bgcgolf 437.CLPT.W10PR.23A 0 199 0
13 bluewater 718.CLPC.W10PX.22A 0 99 0
14 boo-ray 429.CLP2.W10PX.23A 0 17 0
15 brg 103.CEP2.EHCPR.23A 1 23 0
16 brianm 536.CEPT.EHCPX.24A 1 101 0
17 brookridgecc 499.CLPX.W10PR.24A 0 521 0
18 cgc 551.TTPA.W10PR.24A 0 300 242
19 cghacks 361.CLPA.W10PR.24A 0 24 0
20 chaletgolfers 104.CEPT.EHCPR.23A 1 88 0
21 cheetah 529.CLP4.W10PR.25A 0 3 0
22 clsgcc 509.CLPG.W10PR.25A 0 1146 0
23 cmga 525.CLPT.W10PR.24A 0 120 0
24 cmsmgc 543.CLPT.W10PR.25A 0 173 0
25 coffey 731.CLP5.W10PR.23A 0 40 0
26 cvgc 485.CLPA.W10PR.24A 0 200 0
27 deerwood 637.CLPT.W10PR.24A 0 195 0
28 demo 105.CEPT.EHCPX.23A 1 4 0
29 dev 552.CLPM.W10PX.24A 0 2 0
30 dgcls 546.CLPV.W10PX.23A 0 500 0
31 dgcltd 482.CLPR.W10PX.24A 0 2448 0
32 divots 106.CEP7.EHCPR.23A 1 62 0
33 dlgc 598.CEPA.EHCPX.24A 1 216 0
34 dlsgcc 584.CLPG.W10PR.22A 0 1457 0
35 dngr 487.CLPF.W10PR.23A 0 120 0
36 doc 512.CLP3.W10PR.24A 0 12 0
37 douglaston 727.CLP2.W10PX.23A 0 19 0
38 dougmoore 541.CLP4.W10PR.25A 0 1 0
39 dunnigan 582.CEP4.EHCPR.24A 1 2 0
40 durhamcelticgc 422.CLP7.W10PR.25A 0 65 0
41 ebirds 575.CLP2.W10PX.22A 0 25 0
42 etc 109.CEP7.EHCPX.23A 1 72 0
43 fairfield 621.CEPT.EHCPR.25A 1 134 0
44 fairfieldtest 621.CEPT.EHCPR.24A 1 126 0
45 fbga 645.CLP5.W10PX.22A 0 48 0
46 fga 675.CLPC.W10PR.25A 0 71 0
47 fgc 695.CLPV.W10PR.22A 0 24 0
48 fitzys 339.CLP5.W10PR.22A 0 37 0
49 fitzys_eval 524.CEP5.EHCPX.22A 1 34 0
50 fmgolf 703.CLPA.W10PX.24A 0 250 0
51 gardencity 771.CLPT.W10PR.23A 0 179 0
52 gcsg 516.CEPC.EHCPR.24A 1 74 0
53 giantscds 412.CLP4.W10PR.22A 0 2 0
54 gicc 561.CEPT.EHCPX.24A 1 107 0
55 golfview 450.CLPF.W10PX.23A 0 391 0
56 gothedistance 601.CEP2.EHCPR.24A 1 33 0
57 grmc 469.CLPC.W10PX.21A 0 89 0
58 guilfordlakes 319.CEP7.EHCPR.21A 1 66 0
59 hackersgc 535.CLP2.W10PX.22A 0 11 0
60 harbordgc 692.CLPT.W10PR.24A 0 105 0
61 hattersgolfmelb 483.CLPA.W10PR.24A 0 25 0
62 hearst 530.CLPA.W10PX.24A 0 209 0
63 heronlake 582.CLPV.W10PX.20C 0 479 0
64 hhwgl 113.CEP7.EHCPR.23A 1 69 0
65 hogtour 522.CLP5.W10PR.22A 0 50 0
66 iga 608.CEPC.EHCPR.24A 1 86 0
67 ipgc 468.CLPM.W10PR.25A 0 980 0
68 isc 605.CLPC.W10PR.24A 0 94 0
69 kapgc 551.CLPV.W10PR.24A 0 400 0
70 kitchenergolf 606.CLPM.W10PR.23A 0 642 0
71 ksl2402 685.CLPA.W10PX.23A 0 260 0
72 laskey 638.CLP4.W10PX.23A 0 2 0
73 legs 495.CEPA.EHCPR.24A 1 19 0
74 lgc 577.TTP5.W10PR.24A 0 50 46
75 ltgc 425.CLPT.W10PR.21A 0 199 0
76 lwv9golf 311.CEPA.EHCPR.24A 1 221 0
77 marlwood 115.CEP5.EHCPR.23A 1 41 0
78 mdfc 116.CEP2.EHCPR.23A 1 24 0
79 metchosin 565.CLPC.W10PR.25A 0 97 0
80 mhgcc 709.CLPA.W10PX.24A 0 291 0
81 mlgcc 443.TTPA.W10PR.24A 0 256 110
82 mlv 569.CLPT.W10PR.23A 0 141 0
83 mountainman1 448.CLP2.W10PX.22A 0 25 0
84 mpwgc 408.CEP5.EHCPR.23A 1 43 0
85 msga 431.CLPA.W10PR.22A 0 253 0
86 nbgc 438.CLPX.W10PR.22A 0 650 0
87 ng194458 646.CLPA.W10PX.21A 0 210 0
88 nicowynd 117.CEPT.EHCPR.23A 1 164 0
89 nsi 427.CLPA.W10PR.25A 0 15 0
90 oldfolk 584.CEPT.EHCPX.23A 1 168 0
91 ourhcs09 577.CLP2.W10PX.23A 0 21 0
92 par5 118.CEPT.EHCPR.23A 1 130 0
93 pesmgc 391.CLPT.W10PR.22A 0 134 0
94 pgg 119.CEP2.EHCPR.23A 1 16 0
95 philcan2 401.CLP5.W10PR.21A 0 50 0
96 poonaclubgolf 507.CLPG.W10PR.24A 0 1015 0
97 ppgc 567.TTPA.W10PR.24A 0 218 193
98 ppl 478.CLP5.W10PX.22A 0 28 0
99 praderaseniors 648.CLPT.W10PX.22A 0 176 0
100 pwcrec 488.CLP5.W10PX.22A 0 47 0
101 quagmire 489.CLP2.W10PX.24A 0 24 0
102 rcgc 442.CLPG.W10PX.24A 0 1471 0
103 rhmc 565.CLP5.W10PR.24A 0 31 0
104 sagc 407.TTPV.W10PR.23A 0 414 406
105 sage 120.CEP7.EHCPR.25A 1 38 0
106 sandtrappers 551.CLPT.W10PR.23A 0 179 0
107 sbgr7172 505.CLPV.W10PR.24A 0 497 0
108 school 605.CEP2.EHCPR.24A 1 18 0
109 scsmgc 536.CEPT.EHCPR.24A 1 131 0
110 sgaest77 647.CLPT.W10PR.22A 0 117 0
111 shanghaigolfers 417.CLPT.W10PR.24A 0 158 0
112 skylake 536.CLPX.W10PR.21A 0 527 0
113 springswing 484.CLP3.W10PR.25A 0 8 0
114 ssgc18 558.CLPA.W10PR.24A 0 298 0
115 ssgc9 762.CLPT.W10PR.24A 0 99 0
116 ssigc 365.CLPM.W10PR.22A 0 997 0
117 stclairpkway 716.CEPA.EHCPX.24A 1 38 0
118 sugarloa 574.CEP5.EHCPR.24A 1 38 0
119 sugden 420.CEP3.EHCPR.23A 1 10 0
120 talamak 505.CLP5.W10PR.25A 0 47 0
121 tamarack 380.CEP2.EHCPR.24A 1 12 0
122 tamarackgc 549.CLPV.W10PR.22A 0 370 0
123 teeshot1 505.CLP7.W10PX.22A 0 75 0
124 temga 609.CLPA.W10PR.24A 0 224 0
125 tewgl 663.CLPA.W10PR.25A 0 220 0
126 toft 406.CLP4.W10PR.23A 0 3 0
127 tpmc 645.CLPC.W10PX.22A 0 66 0
128 travlers 597.CLP5.W10PR.22A 0 46 0
129 trb 124.CEPC.EHCPR.23A 1 96 0
130 ttdev 470.TTPA.W10PX.24A 0 289 0
131 tttest 123.TTP5.W10PR.24A 0 45 0
132 turcotte 693.CLP2.W10PR.22A 0 21 0
133 twindoves 598.CLPV.W10PX.21A 0 471 0
134 tyandaga-t 520.CEP7.EHCPX.24A 1 70 0
135 usmgc 475.TTP5.W10PR.24A 0 40 35
136 vauxhallgolf 805.CLPT.W10PX.23A 0 193 0
137 vgcc 593.CLPA.W10PR.22A 0 299 0
138 vofx 696.CLPA.W10PR.23A 0 13 0
139 wackers 691.CEP5.EHCPX.24A 1 45 0
140 webdev1 380.CEP2.EHCPR.25A 1 11 0
141 webdev2 621.CEPT.EHCPR.25A 1 126 0
142 webdev3 584.CEPT.EHCPX.23A 1 162 0
143 wlgc 673.CLPT.W10PR.23A 0 195 0

DUMP CID Table snippet 3447

Array ( )

Testing Number of Members
SSN transient =
clubid transient =
CID not entered: Passed

CID Table
    [0] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => 2695
            [ssn] => 477.CLP2.W10PX.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 18
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [1] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => 328088
            [ssn] => 725.CLPF.W10PR.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 331
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [2] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => 55555
            [ssn] => 588.CEP5.EHCPR.25A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 46
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [3] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => aecl
            [ssn] => 615.CLP5.W10PR.22A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 40
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [4] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => albanygc
            [ssn] => 543.CLP7.W10PX.21A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 56
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [5] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => bantrel
            [ssn] => 102.CEP5.EHCPX.23A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 35
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [6] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => bcgc
            [ssn] => 601.TTPA.W10PR.25A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 274
            [WHSLic] => 225

    [7] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => bctest
            [ssn] => 601.TTPA.W10PR.25A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 278
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [8] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => bearcreek
            [ssn] => 557.CLPC.W10PX.22A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 99
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [9] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => beaumaris
            [ssn] => 550.CLPB.W10PX.22A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 397
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [10] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => bellaforma
            [ssn] => 594.CEP5.EHCPR.24A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 25
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [11] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => bgc
            [ssn] => 567.CLPT.W10PR.25A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 120
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [12] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => bgcgolf
            [ssn] => 437.CLPT.W10PR.23A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 199
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [13] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => bluewater
            [ssn] => 718.CLPC.W10PX.22A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 99
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [14] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => boo-ray
            [ssn] => 429.CLP2.W10PX.23A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 17
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [15] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => brg
            [ssn] => 103.CEP2.EHCPR.23A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 23
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [16] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => brianm
            [ssn] => 536.CEPT.EHCPX.24A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 101
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [17] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => brookridgecc
            [ssn] => 499.CLPX.W10PR.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 521
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [18] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => cgc
            [ssn] => 551.TTPA.W10PR.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 300
            [WHSLic] => 242

    [19] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => cghacks
            [ssn] => 361.CLPA.W10PR.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 24
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [20] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => chaletgolfers
            [ssn] => 104.CEPT.EHCPR.23A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 88
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [21] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => cheetah
            [ssn] => 529.CLP4.W10PR.25A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 3
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [22] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => clsgcc
            [ssn] => 509.CLPG.W10PR.25A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 1146
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [23] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => cmga
            [ssn] => 525.CLPT.W10PR.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 120
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [24] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => cmsmgc
            [ssn] => 543.CLPT.W10PR.25A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 173
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [25] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => coffey
            [ssn] => 731.CLP5.W10PR.23A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 40
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [26] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => cvgc
            [ssn] => 485.CLPA.W10PR.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 200
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [27] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => deerwood
            [ssn] => 637.CLPT.W10PR.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 195
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [28] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => demo
            [ssn] => 105.CEPT.EHCPX.23A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 4
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [29] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => dev
            [ssn] => 552.CLPM.W10PX.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 2
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [30] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => dgcls
            [ssn] => 546.CLPV.W10PX.23A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 500
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [31] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => dgcltd
            [ssn] => 482.CLPR.W10PX.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 2448
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [32] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => divots
            [ssn] => 106.CEP7.EHCPR.23A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 62
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [33] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => dlgc
            [ssn] => 598.CEPA.EHCPX.24A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 216
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [34] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => dlsgcc
            [ssn] => 584.CLPG.W10PR.22A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 1457
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [35] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => dngr
            [ssn] => 487.CLPF.W10PR.23A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 120
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [36] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => doc
            [ssn] => 512.CLP3.W10PR.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 12
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [37] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => douglaston
            [ssn] => 727.CLP2.W10PX.23A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 19
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [38] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => dougmoore
            [ssn] => 541.CLP4.W10PR.25A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 1
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [39] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => dunnigan
            [ssn] => 582.CEP4.EHCPR.24A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 2
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [40] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => durhamcelticgc
            [ssn] => 422.CLP7.W10PR.25A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 65
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [41] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => ebirds
            [ssn] => 575.CLP2.W10PX.22A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 25
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [42] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => etc
            [ssn] => 109.CEP7.EHCPX.23A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 72
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [43] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => fairfield
            [ssn] => 621.CEPT.EHCPR.25A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 134
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [44] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => fairfieldtest
            [ssn] => 621.CEPT.EHCPR.24A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 126
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [45] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => fbga
            [ssn] => 645.CLP5.W10PX.22A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 48
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [46] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => fga
            [ssn] => 675.CLPC.W10PR.25A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 71
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [47] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => fgc
            [ssn] => 695.CLPV.W10PR.22A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 24
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [48] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => fitzys
            [ssn] => 339.CLP5.W10PR.22A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 37
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [49] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => fitzys_eval
            [ssn] => 524.CEP5.EHCPX.22A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 34
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [50] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => fmgolf
            [ssn] => 703.CLPA.W10PX.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 250
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [51] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => gardencity
            [ssn] => 771.CLPT.W10PR.23A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 179
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [52] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => gcsg
            [ssn] => 516.CEPC.EHCPR.24A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 74
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [53] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => giantscds
            [ssn] => 412.CLP4.W10PR.22A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 2
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [54] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => gicc
            [ssn] => 561.CEPT.EHCPX.24A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 107
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [55] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => golfview
            [ssn] => 450.CLPF.W10PX.23A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 391
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [56] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => gothedistance
            [ssn] => 601.CEP2.EHCPR.24A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 33
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [57] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => grmc
            [ssn] => 469.CLPC.W10PX.21A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 89
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [58] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => guilfordlakes
            [ssn] => 319.CEP7.EHCPR.21A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 66
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [59] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => hackersgc
            [ssn] => 535.CLP2.W10PX.22A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 11
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [60] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => harbordgc
            [ssn] => 692.CLPT.W10PR.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 105
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [61] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => hattersgolfmelb
            [ssn] => 483.CLPA.W10PR.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 25
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [62] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => hearst
            [ssn] => 530.CLPA.W10PX.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 209
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [63] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => heronlake
            [ssn] => 582.CLPV.W10PX.20C
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 479
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [64] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => hhwgl
            [ssn] => 113.CEP7.EHCPR.23A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 69
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [65] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => hogtour
            [ssn] => 522.CLP5.W10PR.22A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 50
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [66] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => iga
            [ssn] => 608.CEPC.EHCPR.24A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 86
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [67] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => ipgc
            [ssn] => 468.CLPM.W10PR.25A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 980
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [68] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => isc
            [ssn] => 605.CLPC.W10PR.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 94
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [69] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => kapgc
            [ssn] => 551.CLPV.W10PR.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 400
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [70] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => kitchenergolf
            [ssn] => 606.CLPM.W10PR.23A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 642
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [71] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => ksl2402
            [ssn] => 685.CLPA.W10PX.23A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 260
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [72] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => laskey
            [ssn] => 638.CLP4.W10PX.23A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 2
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [73] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => legs
            [ssn] => 495.CEPA.EHCPR.24A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 19
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [74] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => lgc
            [ssn] => 577.TTP5.W10PR.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 50
            [WHSLic] => 46

    [75] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => ltgc
            [ssn] => 425.CLPT.W10PR.21A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 199
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [76] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => lwv9golf
            [ssn] => 311.CEPA.EHCPR.24A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 221
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [77] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => marlwood
            [ssn] => 115.CEP5.EHCPR.23A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 41
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [78] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => mdfc
            [ssn] => 116.CEP2.EHCPR.23A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 24
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [79] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => metchosin
            [ssn] => 565.CLPC.W10PR.25A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 97
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [80] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => mhgcc
            [ssn] => 709.CLPA.W10PX.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 291
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [81] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => mlgcc
            [ssn] => 443.TTPA.W10PR.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 256
            [WHSLic] => 110

    [82] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => mlv
            [ssn] => 569.CLPT.W10PR.23A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 141
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [83] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => mountainman1
            [ssn] => 448.CLP2.W10PX.22A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 25
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [84] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => mpwgc
            [ssn] => 408.CEP5.EHCPR.23A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 43
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [85] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => msga
            [ssn] => 431.CLPA.W10PR.22A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 253
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [86] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => nbgc
            [ssn] => 438.CLPX.W10PR.22A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 650
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [87] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => ng194458
            [ssn] => 646.CLPA.W10PX.21A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 210
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [88] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => nicowynd
            [ssn] => 117.CEPT.EHCPR.23A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 164
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [89] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => nsi
            [ssn] => 427.CLPA.W10PR.25A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 15
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [90] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => oldfolk
            [ssn] => 584.CEPT.EHCPX.23A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 168
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [91] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => ourhcs09
            [ssn] => 577.CLP2.W10PX.23A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 21
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [92] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => par5
            [ssn] => 118.CEPT.EHCPR.23A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 130
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [93] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => pesmgc
            [ssn] => 391.CLPT.W10PR.22A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 134
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [94] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => pgg
            [ssn] => 119.CEP2.EHCPR.23A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 16
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [95] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => philcan2
            [ssn] => 401.CLP5.W10PR.21A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 50
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [96] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => poonaclubgolf
            [ssn] => 507.CLPG.W10PR.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 1015
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [97] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => ppgc
            [ssn] => 567.TTPA.W10PR.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 218
            [WHSLic] => 193

    [98] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => ppl
            [ssn] => 478.CLP5.W10PX.22A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 28
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [99] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => praderaseniors
            [ssn] => 648.CLPT.W10PX.22A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 176
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [100] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => pwcrec
            [ssn] => 488.CLP5.W10PX.22A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 47
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [101] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => quagmire
            [ssn] => 489.CLP2.W10PX.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 24
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [102] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => rcgc
            [ssn] => 442.CLPG.W10PX.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 1471
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [103] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => rhmc
            [ssn] => 565.CLP5.W10PR.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 31
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [104] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => sagc
            [ssn] => 407.TTPV.W10PR.23A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 414
            [WHSLic] => 406

    [105] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => sage
            [ssn] => 120.CEP7.EHCPR.25A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 38
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [106] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => sandtrappers
            [ssn] => 551.CLPT.W10PR.23A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 179
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [107] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => sbgr7172
            [ssn] => 505.CLPV.W10PR.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 497
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [108] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => school
            [ssn] => 605.CEP2.EHCPR.24A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 18
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [109] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => scsmgc
            [ssn] => 536.CEPT.EHCPR.24A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 131
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [110] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => sgaest77
            [ssn] => 647.CLPT.W10PR.22A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 117
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [111] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => shanghaigolfers
            [ssn] => 417.CLPT.W10PR.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 158
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [112] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => skylake
            [ssn] => 536.CLPX.W10PR.21A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 527
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [113] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => springswing
            [ssn] => 484.CLP3.W10PR.25A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 8
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [114] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => ssgc18
            [ssn] => 558.CLPA.W10PR.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 298
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [115] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => ssgc9
            [ssn] => 762.CLPT.W10PR.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 99
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [116] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => ssigc
            [ssn] => 365.CLPM.W10PR.22A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 997
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [117] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => stclairpkway
            [ssn] => 716.CEPA.EHCPX.24A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 38
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [118] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => sugarloa
            [ssn] => 574.CEP5.EHCPR.24A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 38
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [119] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => sugden
            [ssn] => 420.CEP3.EHCPR.23A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 10
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [120] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => talamak
            [ssn] => 505.CLP5.W10PR.25A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 47
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [121] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => tamarack
            [ssn] => 380.CEP2.EHCPR.24A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 12
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [122] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => tamarackgc
            [ssn] => 549.CLPV.W10PR.22A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 370
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [123] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => teeshot1
            [ssn] => 505.CLP7.W10PX.22A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 75
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [124] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => temga
            [ssn] => 609.CLPA.W10PR.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 224
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [125] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => tewgl
            [ssn] => 663.CLPA.W10PR.25A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 220
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [126] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => toft
            [ssn] => 406.CLP4.W10PR.23A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 3
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [127] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => tpmc
            [ssn] => 645.CLPC.W10PX.22A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 66
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [128] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => travlers
            [ssn] => 597.CLP5.W10PR.22A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 46
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [129] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => trb
            [ssn] => 124.CEPC.EHCPR.23A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 96
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [130] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => ttdev
            [ssn] => 470.TTPA.W10PX.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 289
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [131] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => tttest
            [ssn] => 123.TTP5.W10PR.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 45
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [132] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => turcotte
            [ssn] => 693.CLP2.W10PR.22A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 21
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [133] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => twindoves
            [ssn] => 598.CLPV.W10PX.21A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 471
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [134] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => tyandaga-t
            [ssn] => 520.CEP7.EHCPX.24A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 70
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [135] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => usmgc
            [ssn] => 475.TTP5.W10PR.24A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 40
            [WHSLic] => 35

    [136] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => vauxhallgolf
            [ssn] => 805.CLPT.W10PX.23A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 193
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [137] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => vgcc
            [ssn] => 593.CLPA.W10PR.22A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 299
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [138] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => vofx
            [ssn] => 696.CLPA.W10PR.23A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 13
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [139] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => wackers
            [ssn] => 691.CEP5.EHCPX.24A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 45
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [140] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => webdev1
            [ssn] => 380.CEP2.EHCPR.25A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 11
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [141] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => webdev2
            [ssn] => 621.CEPT.EHCPR.25A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 126
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [142] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => webdev3
            [ssn] => 584.CEPT.EHCPX.23A
            [web_based] => 1
            [num_members] => 162
            [WHSLic] => 0

    [143] => stdClass Object
            [cid] => wlgc
            [ssn] => 673.CLPT.W10PR.23A
            [web_based] => 0
            [num_members] => 195
            [WHSLic] => 0

array(144) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#5089 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(4) "2695" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "477.CLP2.W10PX.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "18" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [1]=> object(stdClass)#5015 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(6) "328088" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "725.CLPF.W10PR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "331" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [2]=> object(stdClass)#4968 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(5) "55555" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "588.CEP5.EHCPR.25A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "46" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [3]=> object(stdClass)#4965 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(4) "aecl" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "615.CLP5.W10PR.22A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "40" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [4]=> object(stdClass)#5086 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(8) "albanygc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "543.CLP7.W10PX.21A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "56" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [5]=> object(stdClass)#5088 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(7) "bantrel" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "102.CEP5.EHCPX.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "35" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [6]=> object(stdClass)#5090 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(4) "bcgc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "601.TTPA.W10PR.25A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "274" ["WHSLic"]=> string(4) "225 " } [7]=> object(stdClass)#5093 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(6) "bctest" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "601.TTPA.W10PR.25A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "278" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [8]=> object(stdClass)#5094 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(9) "bearcreek" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "557.CLPC.W10PX.22A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "99" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [9]=> object(stdClass)#5099 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(9) "beaumaris" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "550.CLPB.W10PX.22A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "397" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [10]=> object(stdClass)#5085 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(10) "bellaforma" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "594.CEP5.EHCPR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "25" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [11]=> object(stdClass)#5084 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(3) "bgc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "567.CLPT.W10PR.25A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "120" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [12]=> object(stdClass)#5083 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(7) "bgcgolf" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "437.CLPT.W10PR.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "199" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [13]=> object(stdClass)#5082 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(9) "bluewater" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "718.CLPC.W10PX.22A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "99" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [14]=> object(stdClass)#5081 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(7) "boo-ray" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "429.CLP2.W10PX.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "17" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [15]=> object(stdClass)#5080 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(3) "brg" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "103.CEP2.EHCPR.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "23" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [16]=> object(stdClass)#5079 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(6) "brianm" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "536.CEPT.EHCPX.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "101" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [17]=> object(stdClass)#5078 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(12) "brookridgecc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "499.CLPX.W10PR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "521" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [18]=> object(stdClass)#5077 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(3) "cgc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "551.TTPA.W10PR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "300" ["WHSLic"]=> string(4) "242 " } [19]=> object(stdClass)#5076 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(7) "cghacks" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "361.CLPA.W10PR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "24" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [20]=> object(stdClass)#5075 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(13) "chaletgolfers" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "104.CEPT.EHCPR.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "88" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [21]=> object(stdClass)#5074 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(7) "cheetah" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "529.CLP4.W10PR.25A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(1) "3" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [22]=> object(stdClass)#5073 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(6) "clsgcc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "509.CLPG.W10PR.25A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(4) "1146" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [23]=> object(stdClass)#5072 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(4) "cmga" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "525.CLPT.W10PR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "120" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [24]=> object(stdClass)#5071 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(6) "cmsmgc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "543.CLPT.W10PR.25A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "173" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [25]=> object(stdClass)#5070 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(6) "coffey" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "731.CLP5.W10PR.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "40" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [26]=> object(stdClass)#5069 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(4) "cvgc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "485.CLPA.W10PR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "200" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [27]=> object(stdClass)#5068 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(8) "deerwood" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "637.CLPT.W10PR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "195" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [28]=> object(stdClass)#5067 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(4) "demo" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "105.CEPT.EHCPX.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(1) "4" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [29]=> object(stdClass)#5066 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(3) "dev" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "552.CLPM.W10PX.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(1) "2" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [30]=> object(stdClass)#5065 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(5) "dgcls" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "546.CLPV.W10PX.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "500" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [31]=> object(stdClass)#5064 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(6) "dgcltd" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "482.CLPR.W10PX.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(4) "2448" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [32]=> object(stdClass)#5063 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(6) "divots" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "106.CEP7.EHCPR.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "62" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [33]=> object(stdClass)#5062 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(4) "dlgc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "598.CEPA.EHCPX.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "216" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [34]=> object(stdClass)#5061 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(6) "dlsgcc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "584.CLPG.W10PR.22A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(4) "1457" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [35]=> object(stdClass)#5060 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(4) "dngr" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "487.CLPF.W10PR.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "120" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [36]=> object(stdClass)#5059 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(3) "doc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "512.CLP3.W10PR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "12" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [37]=> object(stdClass)#5058 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(10) "douglaston" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "727.CLP2.W10PX.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "19" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [38]=> object(stdClass)#5057 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(9) "dougmoore" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "541.CLP4.W10PR.25A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(1) "1" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [39]=> object(stdClass)#5056 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(8) "dunnigan" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "582.CEP4.EHCPR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(1) "2" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [40]=> object(stdClass)#5055 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(14) "durhamcelticgc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "422.CLP7.W10PR.25A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "65" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [41]=> object(stdClass)#5054 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(6) "ebirds" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "575.CLP2.W10PX.22A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "25" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [42]=> object(stdClass)#5053 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(3) "etc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "109.CEP7.EHCPX.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "72" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [43]=> object(stdClass)#5052 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(9) "fairfield" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "621.CEPT.EHCPR.25A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "134" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [44]=> object(stdClass)#5051 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(13) "fairfieldtest" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "621.CEPT.EHCPR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "126" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [45]=> object(stdClass)#5050 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(4) "fbga" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "645.CLP5.W10PX.22A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "48" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [46]=> object(stdClass)#5049 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(3) "fga" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "675.CLPC.W10PR.25A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "71" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [47]=> object(stdClass)#5048 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(3) "fgc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "695.CLPV.W10PR.22A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "24" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [48]=> object(stdClass)#5047 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(6) "fitzys" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "339.CLP5.W10PR.22A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "37" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [49]=> object(stdClass)#5046 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(11) "fitzys_eval" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "524.CEP5.EHCPX.22A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "34" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [50]=> object(stdClass)#5045 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(6) "fmgolf" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "703.CLPA.W10PX.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "250" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [51]=> object(stdClass)#5044 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(10) "gardencity" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "771.CLPT.W10PR.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "179" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [52]=> object(stdClass)#5043 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(4) "gcsg" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "516.CEPC.EHCPR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "74" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [53]=> object(stdClass)#5042 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(9) "giantscds" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "412.CLP4.W10PR.22A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(1) "2" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [54]=> object(stdClass)#5041 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(4) "gicc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "561.CEPT.EHCPX.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "107" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [55]=> object(stdClass)#5040 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(8) "golfview" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "450.CLPF.W10PX.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "391" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [56]=> object(stdClass)#5039 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(13) "gothedistance" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "601.CEP2.EHCPR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "33" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [57]=> object(stdClass)#5038 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(4) "grmc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "469.CLPC.W10PX.21A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "89" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [58]=> object(stdClass)#5037 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(13) "guilfordlakes" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "319.CEP7.EHCPR.21A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "66" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [59]=> object(stdClass)#5036 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(9) "hackersgc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "535.CLP2.W10PX.22A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "11" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [60]=> object(stdClass)#5035 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(9) "harbordgc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "692.CLPT.W10PR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "105" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [61]=> object(stdClass)#5034 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(15) "hattersgolfmelb" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "483.CLPA.W10PR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "25" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [62]=> object(stdClass)#5033 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(6) "hearst" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "530.CLPA.W10PX.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "209" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [63]=> object(stdClass)#5032 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(9) "heronlake" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "582.CLPV.W10PX.20C" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "479" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [64]=> object(stdClass)#5031 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(5) "hhwgl" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "113.CEP7.EHCPR.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "69" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [65]=> object(stdClass)#5030 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(7) "hogtour" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "522.CLP5.W10PR.22A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "50" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [66]=> object(stdClass)#5029 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(3) "iga" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "608.CEPC.EHCPR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "86" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [67]=> object(stdClass)#5028 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(4) "ipgc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "468.CLPM.W10PR.25A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "980" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [68]=> object(stdClass)#5027 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(3) "isc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "605.CLPC.W10PR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "94" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [69]=> object(stdClass)#5026 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(5) "kapgc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "551.CLPV.W10PR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "400" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [70]=> object(stdClass)#5025 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(13) "kitchenergolf" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "606.CLPM.W10PR.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "642" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [71]=> object(stdClass)#5024 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(7) "ksl2402" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "685.CLPA.W10PX.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "260" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [72]=> object(stdClass)#4961 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(6) "laskey" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "638.CLP4.W10PX.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(1) "2" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [73]=> object(stdClass)#4962 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(4) "legs" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "495.CEPA.EHCPR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "19" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [74]=> object(stdClass)#4809 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(3) "lgc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "577.TTP5.W10PR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "50" ["WHSLic"]=> string(3) "46 " } [75]=> object(stdClass)#4806 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(4) "ltgc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "425.CLPT.W10PR.21A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "199" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [76]=> object(stdClass)#4841 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(8) "lwv9golf" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "311.CEPA.EHCPR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "221" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [77]=> object(stdClass)#4842 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(8) "marlwood" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "115.CEP5.EHCPR.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "41" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [78]=> object(stdClass)#4843 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(4) "mdfc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "116.CEP2.EHCPR.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "24" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [79]=> object(stdClass)#4844 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(9) "metchosin" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "565.CLPC.W10PR.25A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "97" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [80]=> object(stdClass)#4845 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(5) "mhgcc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "709.CLPA.W10PX.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "291" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [81]=> object(stdClass)#4846 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(5) "mlgcc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "443.TTPA.W10PR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "256" ["WHSLic"]=> string(4) "110 " } [82]=> object(stdClass)#4847 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(3) "mlv" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "569.CLPT.W10PR.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "141" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [83]=> object(stdClass)#4848 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(12) "mountainman1" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "448.CLP2.W10PX.22A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "25" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [84]=> object(stdClass)#4849 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(5) "mpwgc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "408.CEP5.EHCPR.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "43" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [85]=> object(stdClass)#4850 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(4) "msga" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "431.CLPA.W10PR.22A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "253" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [86]=> object(stdClass)#4851 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(4) "nbgc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "438.CLPX.W10PR.22A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "650" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [87]=> object(stdClass)#4852 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(8) "ng194458" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "646.CLPA.W10PX.21A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "210" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [88]=> object(stdClass)#4853 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(8) "nicowynd" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "117.CEPT.EHCPR.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "164" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [89]=> object(stdClass)#4854 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(3) "nsi" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "427.CLPA.W10PR.25A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "15" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [90]=> object(stdClass)#4855 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(7) "oldfolk" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "584.CEPT.EHCPX.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "168" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [91]=> object(stdClass)#4856 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(8) "ourhcs09" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "577.CLP2.W10PX.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "21" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [92]=> object(stdClass)#4857 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(4) "par5" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "118.CEPT.EHCPR.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "130" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [93]=> object(stdClass)#4858 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(6) "pesmgc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "391.CLPT.W10PR.22A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "134" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [94]=> object(stdClass)#4859 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(3) "pgg" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "119.CEP2.EHCPR.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "16" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [95]=> object(stdClass)#4860 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(8) "philcan2" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "401.CLP5.W10PR.21A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "50" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [96]=> object(stdClass)#4861 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(13) "poonaclubgolf" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "507.CLPG.W10PR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(4) "1015" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [97]=> object(stdClass)#4862 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(4) "ppgc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "567.TTPA.W10PR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "218" ["WHSLic"]=> string(4) "193 " } [98]=> object(stdClass)#4863 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(3) "ppl" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "478.CLP5.W10PX.22A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "28" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [99]=> object(stdClass)#4864 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(14) "praderaseniors" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "648.CLPT.W10PX.22A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "176" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [100]=> object(stdClass)#4865 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(6) "pwcrec" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "488.CLP5.W10PX.22A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "47" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [101]=> object(stdClass)#4866 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(8) "quagmire" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "489.CLP2.W10PX.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "24" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [102]=> object(stdClass)#4867 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(4) "rcgc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "442.CLPG.W10PX.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(4) "1471" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [103]=> object(stdClass)#4868 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(4) "rhmc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "565.CLP5.W10PR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "31" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [104]=> object(stdClass)#4869 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(4) "sagc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "407.TTPV.W10PR.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "414" ["WHSLic"]=> string(4) "406 " } [105]=> object(stdClass)#4870 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(4) "sage" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "120.CEP7.EHCPR.25A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "38" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [106]=> object(stdClass)#4873 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(12) "sandtrappers" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "551.CLPT.W10PR.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "179" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [107]=> object(stdClass)#4959 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(8) "sbgr7172" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "505.CLPV.W10PR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "497" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [108]=> object(stdClass)#4804 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(6) "school" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "605.CEP2.EHCPR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "18" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [109]=> object(stdClass)#4998 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(6) "scsmgc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "536.CEPT.EHCPR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "131" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [110]=> object(stdClass)#4997 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(8) "sgaest77" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "647.CLPT.W10PR.22A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "117" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [111]=> object(stdClass)#4996 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(15) "shanghaigolfers" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "417.CLPT.W10PR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "158" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [112]=> object(stdClass)#4995 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(7) "skylake" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "536.CLPX.W10PR.21A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "527" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [113]=> object(stdClass)#4994 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(11) "springswing" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "484.CLP3.W10PR.25A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(1) "8" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [114]=> object(stdClass)#4993 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(6) "ssgc18" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "558.CLPA.W10PR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "298" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [115]=> object(stdClass)#4992 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(5) "ssgc9" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "762.CLPT.W10PR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "99" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [116]=> object(stdClass)#4991 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(5) "ssigc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "365.CLPM.W10PR.22A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "997" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [117]=> object(stdClass)#4990 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(12) "stclairpkway" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "716.CEPA.EHCPX.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "38" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [118]=> object(stdClass)#4989 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(8) "sugarloa" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "574.CEP5.EHCPR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "38" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [119]=> object(stdClass)#4988 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(6) "sugden" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "420.CEP3.EHCPR.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "10" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [120]=> object(stdClass)#4987 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(7) "talamak" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "505.CLP5.W10PR.25A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "47" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [121]=> object(stdClass)#4986 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(8) "tamarack" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "380.CEP2.EHCPR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "12" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [122]=> object(stdClass)#4985 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(10) "tamarackgc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "549.CLPV.W10PR.22A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "370" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [123]=> object(stdClass)#4984 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(8) "teeshot1" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "505.CLP7.W10PX.22A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "75" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [124]=> object(stdClass)#4983 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(5) "temga" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "609.CLPA.W10PR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "224" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [125]=> object(stdClass)#4982 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(5) "tewgl" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "663.CLPA.W10PR.25A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "220" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [126]=> object(stdClass)#4981 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(4) "toft" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "406.CLP4.W10PR.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(1) "3" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [127]=> object(stdClass)#4980 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(4) "tpmc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "645.CLPC.W10PX.22A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "66" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [128]=> object(stdClass)#4979 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(8) "travlers" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "597.CLP5.W10PR.22A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "46" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [129]=> object(stdClass)#4978 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(3) "trb" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "124.CEPC.EHCPR.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "96" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [130]=> object(stdClass)#4977 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(5) "ttdev" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "470.TTPA.W10PX.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "289" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [131]=> object(stdClass)#4976 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(6) "tttest" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "123.TTP5.W10PR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "45" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [132]=> object(stdClass)#4975 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(8) "turcotte" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "693.CLP2.W10PR.22A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "21" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [133]=> object(stdClass)#5023 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(9) "twindoves" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "598.CLPV.W10PX.21A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "471" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [134]=> object(stdClass)#4966 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(10) "tyandaga-t" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "520.CEP7.EHCPX.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "70" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [135]=> object(stdClass)#4967 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(5) "usmgc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "475.TTP5.W10PR.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "40" ["WHSLic"]=> string(3) "35 " } [136]=> object(stdClass)#4970 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(12) "vauxhallgolf" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "805.CLPT.W10PX.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "193" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [137]=> object(stdClass)#4972 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(4) "vgcc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "593.CLPA.W10PR.22A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "299" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [138]=> object(stdClass)#4974 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(4) "vofx" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "696.CLPA.W10PR.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "13" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [139]=> object(stdClass)#4971 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(7) "wackers" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "691.CEP5.EHCPX.24A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "45" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [140]=> object(stdClass)#5101 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(7) "webdev1" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "380.CEP2.EHCPR.25A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(2) "11" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [141]=> object(stdClass)#5100 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(7) "webdev2" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "621.CEPT.EHCPR.25A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "126" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [142]=> object(stdClass)#5102 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(7) "webdev3" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "584.CEPT.EHCPX.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "1" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "162" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } [143]=> object(stdClass)#5103 (5) { ["cid"]=> string(4) "wlgc" ["ssn"]=> string(18) "673.CLPT.W10PR.23A" ["web_based"]=> string(1) "0" ["num_members"]=> string(3) "195" ["WHSLic"]=> string(2) "0 " } }
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