ehandicap Network Product Infomation
eHandicap Network Sign Up
We would be pleased to have your club or group make use of our eHandicap Network. To request an Internet Club ID please complete the form below.
From within your Handicap Manager for Windows desktop system your Software Serial Number can be found by selecting "Help" / "About Handicap Manager".
Your Club ID can be any combination of up to 15 letters and/or numbers with no embedded spaces.
Instructions for configuring your Handicap Manager for Windows system will be emailed to you within 2 working days.
Request Evaluation System
We would be pleased to have your club or group make use of our eHandicap Network. To request an Internet Club ID please complete the form below.
Your Club ID can be any combination of up to 15 letters and/or numbers with no embedded spaces.
Instructions for accessing you eHandicap Network System will be emailed to you within 2 working days.
Help for Members
eHandicap Network Help Members
To view your current handicap information complete with information about your most recent rounds of golf, enter the Club Identifier for your club and then Click on the Go button. On the next window, enter a few characters from your first or last name to locate yourself in the member list and then click on your name.
Viewing Score Cards
To view one of your score cards, display your Handicap Data as described above and then click on the round # at the start of the appropriate round. If you have entered the Member IDs of your golf group in the 'My Golf Group' boxes, when your scorecard is displayed the scores for your golf group will be included.
Viewing Stats
To view stats, display your Handicap Data as described above, scroll down to the bottom of the window, and click on either the 'General' or the 'Course' statistics button. Have a look, you will be surprised how much statistical information is available.
Entering Scores
If your club allows scores to be entered online, display your Handicap Data as described above, scroll down to the bottom of the window, enter your password and click on either the 'Express' (summary only), 'Detail' (hole by hole), 'Detail+ (hole by hole plus more), 'Away' (summary form for courses not in the database), or 'Away+' (hole by hole for courses not in the database) buttons.
If you do not know or have forgotten your password you will need to contact your club to have your password reset.
Removing Scores
Rounds cannot be changed but if your club allows scores to be removed online, display your Handicap Data as described above, scroll down to the bottom of the window, and click on the 'Remove Round' button. A new page will be opened on which you can select the round to be removed. To remove the selected round, enter your password and and click on the 'Remove Selected Round' button.
Changing Your Password
Online password changing can be enabled or disabled by your club. If your club allows password to be maintained online, display your Handicap Data as described above, scroll down to the bottom of the window, and click on the 'Change Password' button. A new page will be opened on which you can change your password. To change your password, Enter your current password in the 'Current Password' box and enter your new password in each of the 'New Password' boxes. If you do not currently have a password leave the 'Current Password' box blank. If you have difficulty changing your password, contact the person in charge of handicapping for your club. That person can change your password for you.
Help for Managers
eHandicap Network Help Managers
eHandicap Network Based Handicap Management
Northern Systems is inviting clubs with up to 100 members to run entirely online.
Reporting, Bulk Score Entry, Member Management, System Administration, Handicap
Configuration, Flight Management, all online!
The images in the tabs show what your online interface would be if your system switches to run entirely online.
Why switch to run entirely online? No need to download updates ever! No need to move the software
from an old computer to a new one! No need to pass the software from one handicapper to the next!
Manage your league or club from anywhere! Have a backup person takeover when you are on vacation!
Manage your league or club from any Internet connected device including a Mac or Tablet or both!
Why would I not switch over? Before making the change, you need to make sure that the Handicap
Manager reports you rely on are available online. If there is a report you need that is not
available online, let us know and we will confirm if it can be ported.
Are there some reports that will likely not become available online? For privacy reasons,
the eHandicap Network does not store address information so printing of address labels will not
be available online. Printing of blank score cards is also not expected to become available online.
If I also use Tournament Manager, can I switch? Yes, Tournament Manager can interact with an
eHandicap Network based system without any loss of functionality.
How can I switch to eHandicap Network based handicapping? Simply send an email to and someone will get back to you.
If I don't like it, can I switch back? Yes of course! Switching back is never a problem.
Reporting or
Web Manager Score Entry or
Member Management
Course Management
Handicap Configuration
System Configuration
Flight Management